Saturday, May 21, 2011

Overheard by Aidan

While driving home this morning from dropping Ari off at a dance clinic, Aron & I heard Aidan singing from the backseat ...

"To me, I am so wonderful!
To me, I am so wonderful!"

We frequently change the words to "Oh, How I Love Jesus" by replacing our kids names and changing the lines (i.e. "Oh, how I love Ava, because she is so sweet"). They think it is funny and soothes them when they are grumpy. I guess Aidan was feeling a little left out because we had been singing to Ava, so he decided to sing to himself! But I heard God speaking to me in that moment as well. How many times do I sing that song by my actions? Many days, I am the most important person in my life. I make decisions and take actions that do not benefit anyone but me. I forget to be the servant that God has called me to be, especially to my family. Lord, help me to remember the real lyrics to that old song and realize that in your great love for me, you accepted me even in my sin and are continuing to sanctify me by your grace.

And still, Aidan was very cute singing his little song ... :)

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